Whispers of the Past

1 Min

It is when you feel truly lost in life that all your insecurities will come forth from their place of hiding and present themselves to you. Like a group of old high school pals you swore to never revisit, they will show up unannounced, uninvited.

Who are these people? They will tell you stories of your past. Disguised as advisors, they will whisper tales of your greatest failures.

Listen to them, listen to every single one of them. Be a confidant to them. Have empathy with their pain. But also understand that their suffering is not your suffering anymore. The past cannot harm you in the present.

Behind every wretched face that cowards in the darkest corner of your heart, there is a scared little child, lost and desperate for attention. It wants to live, it wants to be heard, understood and loved. All of your perversions have an origin, they emerged from pure innocence, childlike wonder and rejection. Do not play the blame game with your demons, for you will always seem to lose.

Comfort them, and in time, they will go back to where they came from. They don’t mean to hurt you, they are frozen in the past. And you can’t help them.

Daniel Strauss

Hi there, I’m Daniel, the hands and heart behind Postdrafts. Born in Germany, raised in the Caribbean, I’ve always been captivated by how different worlds can collide and intersect – just like art and technology. Whether I'm directing short films, writing stories, or knee-deep in some other creative experiment, my work reflects my journey through different worlds. I've built Postdrafts as a space to share this exploration, always embracing the evolving, dynamic nature of creativity.

About Me

Hi there, I’m Daniel, the hands and heart behind Postdrafts. Born in Germany, raised in the Caribbean, I’ve always been captivated by how different worlds can collide and intersect – just like art and technology. Whether I'm directing short films, writing stories, or knee-deep in some other creative experiment, my work reflects my journey through different worlds. I've built Postdrafts as a space to share this exploration, always embracing the evolving, dynamic nature of creativity.

What is a Digital Garden?

A digital garden is a collective space of short, atomic notes, each encapsulating a single thought or concept. These notes interconnect to create an ever-expanding web of knowledge on a wide range of subjects that keeps growing and changing as time goes on.

What is Visual Fiction?

Visual Fiction is characterized by the union of striking visuals and provocative text, a fusion of AI and human creativity, giving rise to a multisensory experience that breathes life into narratives. Visual Fiction is a dynamic medium, with the potential to explore and express different themes and ideas across various contexts.