
The Nightmare Suit

1 Min

You might assume that I had no dreams in this place. I wouldn’t blame you. Everything I have told you so far sounds like a dream. A nightmare I have yet to wake up from. But I can assure you, I had dreams.

I went to bed every night, hoping to wake up in a world where people rode cars instead of pipes. Instead, I had nightmares about the man who brought me here. This figure, in his impeccably tailored and secretive suit, still remains a mystery to me. His motives remain unknown to this day.

I had visions of what seemed like an underground bunker or facility of some sort. The man paced up and down the corridors. I followed him. And then the same thing would always happen. The ceiling and walls started to cave in, rounding themselves into the perfect circumference of a circle big, enough to hold the height of a single individual. And I could see him from afar, this time approaching me and walking steadily towards me. His face was unknowable, it was so bright, reflecting off the light like a mirrored surface. The walls continued to obey the curvature laws of this world until I was no more. I woke up in panic to the roaring sound of floating pipes.

You are currently traveling through the 1990s nightmare of Pipedreams. Each narrative fragment in this collection unravels a peculiar memory of a man drawn into an alternate reality by a looming figure in a suit. In this world, the mundane is flipped on its head as giant pipes carry more than just water. These tales offer a glimpse into this bizarre dimension, both infinitely monotonous and threatening at once. Based on a true story.

Daniel Strauss

Hi there, I’m Daniel, the hands and heart behind Postdrafts. Born in Germany, raised in the Caribbean, I’ve always been captivated by how different worlds can collide and intersect – just like art and technology. Whether I'm directing short films, writing stories, or knee-deep in some other creative experiment, my work reflects my journey through different worlds. I've built Postdrafts as a space to share this exploration, always embracing the evolving, dynamic nature of creativity.

About Me

Hi there, I’m Daniel, the hands and heart behind Postdrafts. Born in Germany, raised in the Caribbean, I’ve always been captivated by how different worlds can collide and intersect – just like art and technology. Whether I'm directing short films, writing stories, or knee-deep in some other creative experiment, my work reflects my journey through different worlds. I've built Postdrafts as a space to share this exploration, always embracing the evolving, dynamic nature of creativity.

What is a Digital Garden?

A digital garden is a collective space of short, atomic notes, each encapsulating a single thought or concept. These notes interconnect to create an ever-expanding web of knowledge on a wide range of subjects that keeps growing and changing as time goes on.

What is Visual Fiction?

Visual Fiction is characterized by the union of striking visuals and provocative text, a fusion of AI and human creativity, giving rise to a multisensory experience that breathes life into narratives. Visual Fiction is a dynamic medium, with the potential to explore and express different themes and ideas across various contexts.