Much Too Much

1 Min

What does it take to let go? This might be a strange question for some, but not for me. I frequently lose myself in a thick digital binder of thoughts, systems, principles, and whatever else I happen to deem worthy enough to capture. My motive is clear. I want to…

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Finding a Balance Between Solitude and Social Exchange

1 Min

Let’s open the new year with some thoughts on private and public life. This is also closely linked to the idea of introverts and extroverts. Generally speaking, everybody is different. Some might prefer a constant stream of others around them. But I have always leaned towards solitude. I like spending…

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Some More on Success and Failure

1 Min

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to take some time and improve a couple of notes. Something that has been on my mind allot is what I called the "Engine for Human Action" or as it is now titled, the Cycle of Action. My original idea for…

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Feelings for Dinner

1 Min

Feelings for dinner? It’s that time of the day when you can’t help yourself but "eat your feelings" in the form of a super-sized burger. You want to feel better, or feel something, or feel nothing. Confusing? Yeah, that’s how strange our relationship with food can get. Food has long…

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Seeing the Seer

1 Min

The beauty of a chair. An instantly recognizable object. But what makes this so? This is a discussion as old as time itself. It’s straight forward to define a few criteria as to what qualifies as a chair. This may work for everyday life, but these things don’t hold up…

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Should You Stay or Go?

1 Min

This week’s notes tie in nicely to last week’s theme of obsession. I often wonder how to know when to open myself to the world, or rather, to what degree? If you let everything in, all the time, you give up your self to the point where living within our…

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Coping With Obsession

1 Min

How do we deal with difficult situations? We all know what the right thing to do is, we all know what is supposed to be healthy. Meditate, eat a nice salad, confide in a friend, go for a walk, hell, even go for a run! Yes, these things are well…

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When It Hits You Out of Nowhere

3 Mins

I had an experience in November of last year that to this day is hard to place. It certainly informs many of my decisions and still has an impact, even if that impact is difficult to grasp. The Premise is Simple I had been trying to figure out a way…

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Places and Spaces

1 Min

I like to create from experience. There is something special about taking an intimately familiar place and turning it into something greater than the sum of its parts. Like little worlds of their own, these notes exist to evoke a feeling and transmit an idea. A description of a place,…

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Finding a Standard for Capturing Knowledge

1 Min

One of the most important principles behind this project is that the notes I publish here are not finished. Today, I want to revisit some of my notes and make them better. And I want to take this opportunity to work out a few of the design principles behind this…

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