Burned Toast

1 Min

I had a slightly burned toast for breakfast. Something about dipping the crust into a hot coffee mug just gets me excited. It’s such a small pleasure, and yet it grounds me. My daily musings carefully align themselves around this sacrificial burning of toast. It’s an anchor. And let’s face…

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Mr. Green

1 Min

I met Mr. Green through a mutual acquaintance. Our friend was utterly convinced that this introduction would be beneficial for everyone involved, which naturally made me raise an eyebrow. He was probably tired of hearing me speak about things that didn’t make sense, he had lost faith in my ability…

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1 Min

It’s that feeling of being understood. It’s that feeling of somebody embracing your nuances of character and humor. It’s a kind of banter, a back and forth, like you’re tickling each other’s brains with words. And it feels incredible because it’s reciprocal. It goes both ways. It’s rare, and strangely…

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Somebody That I Used to Know

1 Min

She was enveloped in a veil of familiarity — a warm, almost tangible sensation, reminiscent of something I had once known. She appeared as a ball of light, its edges soft and fuzzy, blurring her true form, yet at her core, there was a hint of someone I had seen…

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White Nights

1 Min

Sleep is a luxury I cannot afford. I like thinking back to the days when I would fall into a slumber that would take me around the world. I would see things I have never seen, experience oddities of nature, pizza made out of Broccoli, transport pipes flying high up…

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That’s When You Know

1 Min

Virtual realities were all the rage in the capital. Your digital twin is so much more handsome, so much more beautiful. You created him. Jump from the office to the beach, or from the pool to the jungle, everything is possible. Virtual reality is not just a technology, it is…

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1 Min

They had been there this whole time. I just didn’t see them, even though I was looking right into their faces, hopelessly wandering through a forest full of trees. This was a search that could never come to its conclusion. I wasn’t paying attention, that must have been it. Why…

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Tree of Life

1 Min

I shouldn’t listen to everything I hear, but this particular story was hard to ignore. I was sitting in a coffee shop somewhere in the outskirts of the capital, minding my own business, when I overheard a conversation between a young gentleman and what must have been his mother. He…

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Miles High

1 Min

One of the more interesting behaviors I have observed is this society’s increasing thirst for narcotics. Substances that, when ingested, propel your head upwards into the clouds. Your sense of self gets to leave your body for an undisclosed period of time. You might never come back, but more often…

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Bearers of Belief

1 Min

I knew of the monolith’s existence, the nucleus of this place, the singular source of belief, and power. This object might have not even been real, on account of the few people that had actually seen it. Knowing it was there was enough. Those responsible made sure of this by…

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