Schools of thoughts and entire philosophical systems have been created to make sense of the world. Physics, marxism, capitalism and all the isms. Right down to the ingredients required to bake your favorite cake. Everywhere you look, there will be a set of laws waiting for you. This is our…
Read MoreA key function of public life is the regular exchange with others. The purpose of this is to verify and expand our ideas and our perception of the world. Viewing an object from a multitude of different angles and perspectives is how we grasp and understand the world. Only then…
Read MoreOne of the key understandings is knowing what we can change and what we can’t. Only when we know the bounds of our ever-changing sphere of influence can we effectively focus our efforts and attention on things that matter. World news is a good example of this. We are constantly…
Read MoreWhen you perceive an emotion or make a new assumption, always test these against the following problematic influences: Sleep irregularity or deprivation Eating too much or too little Physically under- or overworked Dopamine deprivation or over stimulation Overconsumption of media In this way you can make sure that your current…
Read MoreFood changes the way we feel. Its effects can be compared to any other type of intoxicating substance. Food is a drug, an obsession. Or at the very least, it can be. The effects vary from intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria to a crippling loss of the will for…
Read MoreIstigkeit is the miracle of naked existence, not perceivable through the ego lens. Language cannot describe what a thing is, and by attempting to abstract we destroy its essence. Looking at things without the lens of selfhood allows us to, in theory, see them for what they really are, nothing…
Read MoreDarkness. A white cone of light graced her silhouette. The room was full of expectation. The dreams and desires of a hungry crowd were about to be fulfilled, surpassed even. Then, the silence is broken. A sequence of chords sets the mood. Soft strings join the spectacle, texturing the progression.…
Read MoreWaking up is hard. Every 12 hours or so, our bodies need to recharge. Our sense of self takes a back seat. We try to escape consciousness all the time, be it by using substances, food, or by succumbing to the unavoidable allure of social media. But when we sleep,…
Read MoreThe chatter is gone. You lose yourself in the crackling sound of a single off-brand potato chip as it explodes on your tongue. That taste. The excess salt, the artificial flavors. It is too much. Too much is just right. Your eyes are drawn to a singular source of light.…
Read MoreObsession. You just can’t seem to let it go. That sensation of holding on to something so intensely, focusing on it with all of your attention. Everything about it has to be known and understood, observed, analyzed. This thing becomes something you could think about forever, it begins to claim…
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