Problem Solving with Patterns and Principles

1 Min

Closely examine the patterns in your life, the problems that seem to repeat over and over again, to identify the cause and effect relationships behind them and allow you to deal with them appropriately. Reality will show you whether your principles are working or need to be adjusted. This learning…

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The Essence of Movement

1 Min

Dancing is the answer to the question of the body. When I say dancing, I’m not referring to any particular form, or tradition. I’m not talking about a particular skill level. When I say dancing, I mean moving your body to a rhythm. This can be to a song, in…

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Illusions of the Ego

2 Mins

In the following, I want to examine the notion of the ego from a variety of different perspectives. The central thesis is that our western conception of the ego is an illusion. Allan Watts is one of the strongest proponents of this idea. He repeatedly states across a variety of…

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The Meaning in Finality

1 Min

Everything seems to have an end. Time marches forward relentlessly. The river flows, whether you appreciate its subjective acceleration or not. The finite nature of everything can bring forth in us an attitude of gratefulness for existence. If everything fades, how truthfully moving is it to be a witness to…

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The Paradox of the Human Condition

1 Min

Being alive comes with a list of symptoms. Like the persistence of our breath for a time that seems simultaneously short and much too long. Or that feeling of being in your own body that can be both magnificent and terrifying all at once. Facing the question of what we…

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You Are Not Your Thoughts

1 Min

Never judge your own thoughts. You are not your thoughts. They do not define who you are. Do not try to control them, for you will fail. Let them be like a feather in the wind. Observe them. Study them. Understand them. And finally, accept them. This is all you…

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The Mind-Killer

1 Min

Fear is the mind-killer. ― Frank Herbert, Dune It stops you dead in your spot. It hinders you from taking action, from doing what needs to be done. The remedy to fear is trust. Not in some god or religion, but in yourself. Trust in your place among all of…

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Exclusion and Belonging

1 Min

Rejection, like confrontation, is a directional sense of pain. It stems from a feeling of not belonging to a certain group or individual. There is a sense of exclusion. You thought you belonged somewhere, but you didn’t. Feelings or rejection can make you feel like you are worth less. This…

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Empirical Evidence of Being

1 Min

Everything that you think you know, feel, understand and believe, rises in consciousness. The very feeling of the self is something that can be studied and observed. You are the space where everything emerges. You are none of the things you think or believe, even the sense of an observer…

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Flow of Self

1 Min

Understand that all things, alive or not, are made from the same stuff. This is the energy that runs through everything that is. Energy, matter, held together in a particular way, creates an appearance for consciousness to comprehend. But that agglomeration of matter, like everything else, is ever-changing, dancing to…

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