It wasn’t long until I could make out a small train station in between the pine trees. The building was old, it almost felt misplaced. Gone were the sharp concrete edges and the evenly lit surfaces. These cobblestones walls could still hold secrets, tugged in between the cracks. There was no one else outside on the Platform. The sun was blinding, shining straight down onto the snow covered landscape.
I sat down on one of the benches, Mr. Green stayed close to the tracks, eagerly looking off into the distance. Sound waves arrived first, followed by a metro city line train. It bore the number 5L. Mr. Green did not hesitate and signaled me to board the train along with him.
The walls and ceiling were covered in multicolored lines that stretched into every imaginable direction. They twisted and turned in sharp angles. This was a system of sorts. A massive, multilayered master plan for urban movement. Following any one line with your eyesight would surely lead you into the depths of insanity. So many stops. I tried to make sense of some of the names, but I struggled. Don’t bother, he said. At last, we are where we need to be. It won’t be long now.
The train started accelerating, gradually, but steadily, until finally the glass windows revealed only a blur of what was to come, diffused brushstrokes that meant nothing.
You are currently traversing the limitless expanses of Visual Fiction. Each narrative fragment in this collection unravels a memory of a man drawn into an alternate reality. With every piece, he steps deeper into the unknown, attempting to describe the indescribable, to paint the unseen, and to make sense of the senseless. These tales offer glimpses into bizarre worlds that can at times feel both intimately familiar and strangely threatening.