One of the most important principles behind this project is that the notes I publish here are not finished. Today, I want to revisit some of my notes and make them better. And I want to take this opportunity to work out a few of the design principles behind this project.
The Standard for Every Note
These are the guidelines I follow for every note I create.
- Post draft: These notes are never finished, they are forever in a state of post draft. I will edit them as my thinking develops.
- Brief: These notes aim to be compact and take up only as much space as is needed to bring the point across.
- Agnostic: These notes do not follow a specific genre or style. Be it fiction, fact, or even poetry, these notes are free from convention.
- Atomic: Each note should attempt to capture one concept and once concept only.
- Interconnected: These notes come alive when they connect to each other in interesting ways, creating larger clusters of meaning.
- Open: These notes are open to criticism. While these are my thoughts and principles, I believe that they become better and more useful with feedback.
- Timeless: These notes are not bound by time or context. They contain no references. They represent an idea, a principle, in its purest form.
These principles heavily rely on the idea of Evergreen Notes, popularized by Andy Matuschak and Maggie Appleton.
I have adapted them to allow for different forms of creative expression. The vision I have for this project is to find new ways to mix the delivery of knowledge with art and creativity. I want to record what I have learned in interesting ways. It is not just about making a point, it is about creating something that resonates on an emotional level.